Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Red and Yellow Thai Curry Stir Fry

After weeks and weeks of procrastinating, I have finally decided to collect all the cutout and bookmarked recipes and start this blog!! It will be mostly about cooking, which is one of my favourite pass-times (and eating too), and everything to do with it. I do not have a specific cuisine that I focus on, but some of my favourite recipes come from Italian, Thai and of course Russian cultures.

I am going to try and post a new entry 2-3 times a week since I cook almost everyday, so feel free to request any dishes or suggest recipes.

I am going to start with this really easy and fast thai noodle dish for which you will need:

-Rice (or Rice noodles
-Red and Yellow thai curry
-Coconut milk
-2-3 cloves garlic
-Red pepper
-Bean sprouts
* feel free to use any other veggies and add beef, shrimp or chicken to the curry

First, heat up a pan with some olive oil to cook the veggies.

Cut up onions, garlic and carrots and throw them in the pot first, since they cook the longest.

Then add broccoli, red peppers and the bean sprouts..

Finally, add the curries and coconut milk! mmm. If you want it less spicy, add more yellow curry than red.
pour the mix onto freshly steamed rice and viola: