Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Better in Bacon

I was making some steaks for dinner the other day, and totally forgot to make a side- I usually make garlic mashed potatoes or sweet potato fries and a few veggies.

Luckily, I found some asparagus and pears in the fridge... well that wasn't enough for me so I decided to experiment a little and add some bacon to the mix.
I know this doesn't sound like a very healthy or vegetarian option- but was it ever delicious!
I ate so many bacon-wrapped pear slices that my dog had to finish half of my 12 dollar steak.

They can also be quick and simple appetizers- just leave the toothpicks in.

Here is what I used:

1 Bunch of asparagus
2 Pears
1 pack of Bacon
Brown sugar to taste
Salt and Pepper

Cut the Pear into medium slices

Now, start wrapping! To keep the bacon in tact- secure with a toothpick on each end.
season with salt and pepper and sprinkle some brown sugar before baking...the sweetness complements the saltiness of the bacon.

Bake in a preheated oven at 350 degrees.

Serve right away while the bacon is hot. These make for a great side as well!

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