Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Triangle Spanakapita

This is a simple hors d'oeuvre to serve, and make. I made this very quickly as I had some friends coming by after work.. Just picked up the stuff on our way and was ready in less than 20 mins.

all you need is:
- Spinach (Fresh or frozen- i used frozen)
-2-3 onions
-lemon or lime
- Puff pastry or Phyllo dough
- Butter

So first you chop the onions, and defrost the spinach.

Then sautee the onions and mix in the spinach when they caramelize.

Then add half a lemon, and some spices to taste if you'd like. I am not sure what I added in this photo..some Arabic spice we had at my house, kind of bitter yet sour to the taste. Weird.

Now for the fun part..
Rollll that phyllo

When its about 2-3 mms thick, cut it into small squares (depending on how big you want the triangles to be. Put a tablespoon of the spinach-onion mix in it and fold over like this:

Make it prettyyyy

Before putting them in the oven, brush quickly with egg and butter mix or just butter.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and bake for about 10 mins or until golden. Depends on the oven usually, my old one would take longer than 20 minutes sometimes!

I would sometimes add feta cheese to the mix, Just didn't have it at hand.

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